World events that impacted my life
Before I was born
The browser, in combination with the various web protocols, allowed access to the web from a wide variety of operating systems and devices. It allowed untrained users to click and browse from website to website. But even before there were public websites, there needed to be a browser.
That browser was initially called World Wide Web. It’s name was later changed to Nexus to avoid confusion with the entity we now call the web, but back then was the World Wide Web or WWW. The web changed the world, but it was the browser that delivered those changes worldwide.
I can’t even imagine myself without the internet, almost everything that I do will eventually revolves around it. I am happy that I was born when the technology has developed so much not just for our leisure but also in health. I imagine that without the internet, we would still be struggling to cure even just the common diseases. It also improves the quality of education that I am receiving even today.
The NBA began life as the Basketball Association of America in 1946 and played under that monkier for 3 years before, in 1949, merging with the National Basketball League and changing names to the NBA. The BAA started out with 11 teams in 1946 but lost four of them before the start of the next season. Despite the loss of four teams the BAA was having a lot of success against its rival the NBL and was able to entice four of the NBL’s premire franchises to join the BAA in 1948.
Not just NBA, but to every sport that was created even before I was born was a great impact on who I am today. I met some of my friends while we are playing sports and this has become one of our activities to past time. Sports also kept me on the “healthy side” because it really is a full body exercise that keeps me healthy even when I eat a lot.
When I was born
A console game is a form of video game, consisting of manipulable images (and usually sounds) generated by a video game console and displayed on a television or similar audio-video system. The game itself is usually controlled and manipulated using a handheld device connected to the console, called a controller. The controller generally contains a number of buttons and directional controls such as analogue joysticks, each of which has been assigned a purpose for interacting with and controlling the images on the screen.
I remember the first console that I have played with is a “Family Computer,” it was really fun and the classic blowing into the famicom and the game itself. Even now, one of my hobbies is to play games in both console and in pc. It has greatly impacted my life in both good and bad ways. I was able to relieve some of the stress that I have while playing but sometimes I tend to play for a very long time and end up piling workloads that I have.
Social media channels have been everywhere since the early 2000s, and it has been growing at exponential rates since then. It’s hard to imagine a world without it, and we tend to think that before Facebook social media wasn’t really a thing. The history of social media is both colorful and fluid. Today’s most popular websites and most accessed apps will invariably give way to those of tomorrow.
Especially now that we can’t even meet up with our friends, social media has become the bridge where we can still communicate and catch up on my friends in whatever they are up to. It also has become the place where I met some of my friends and get to know them all just through social media. Social media has also helped me express my feelings as I am a shy person in in real life :3
After I was born
One thing that is certain, we know that adjusting to change can be challenging. Be it planned or unplanned, gradual or sudden, change is inevitable and very much part of being human. Over the past few months, we’ve experienced an unprecedented shift in our way of life due to COVID-19. Pre-pandemic, who would’ve thought that toilet paper could become as precious as gold! And now, a trip to do a weekly grocery shop seems like an adventure of its own! Before we know it, we’ve (reluctantly) let go of our old normal and now settling into what seems to be our new normal.
The use of face masks, proper sanitation, and disinfecting those that come and go to us are probably some things that I won’t forget even the pandemic has settled down. For me, even we are facing the crisis right now, I think it was a good change for our world because we have become more health conscious on what we do. Social distancing has become normal and I hope that everything that we have learned in this pandemic will stick to us.
The climate started changing a long time ago due to human activities but we came to know about it in the last century. During the last century, we started noticing the climatic change and its effect on human life. We started researching on climate change and came to know that the earth temperature is rising due to a phenomenon called the greenhouse effect. The warming up of earth surface causes many ozone depletion, affect our agriculture, water supply, transportation, and several other problems.
Climate change will surely affect not just my life but also to every person. Right now we are facing yet another strong typhoons and it is becoming more and more frequent as time passes by. I can’t even imagine what might happen in the future; consecutive typhoons, the strongest typhoon in history, or it might even snow here in the Philippines.
If we do not do anything and things continue to go on like right now then a day in future will come when humans will become extinct from the surface of the earth. But instead of neglecting these problems we start acting on then we can save the earth and our future.